What You Need to Know About Drivers License Points in Illinois

Together with many other states, the Illinois drivers license points system assigns a specific number of points to drivers who are convicted of traffic violations. States vary significantly on how their point systems are put in place and implemented. For instance, a conviction for reckless driving in Florida will garner you four points while the same traffic offense in Illinois will garner 55 points. Drivers’ license points accrue on your driving record, and, should you accrue enough points, you could lose your driving privileges.

Thus, every time you’re convicted for a moving violation, you receive points. If you receive too many points within a twelve-month period, your driver’s license may be suspended or even revoked, leaving you with no means to attend to your daily activities including school, work, and running errands. The duration of your driver’s license suspension depends on how many points you’ve accrued.

At Chicago Traffic Lawyers, we have a thorough understanding of the Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) points system and our goal is to minimize the points you’ll receive on your driving record. Our Lake County traffic tickets attorneys have been helping traffic offenders facing common traffic violations for decades.

The criminal defense attorneys at Chicago Traffic Lawyers have extensive legal experience, which will enable them to help you avoid any negative consequences of your traffic offenses and get a favorable outcome. Our Cook County traffic violation attorneys understand that while many people consider traffic offenses as minor traffic violations, they can have a serious impact on your life and future. To schedule a free initial consultation, call our law office in Chicago today at (708) 465-1040 or chat with us to learn how we can help.

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What is Illinois Drivers’ License Point System?

The severity of the traffic offense determines the number of points assigned to your driver record. Here are a few examples of the Illinois DMV point system:

  • Reckless driving—55 points
  • Excessive speeding of over 25 miles per hour above the speed limit—50 points
  • Failure to stop and give aid (after a car accident with injury or death)—50 points
  • Failure to stop and offer aid (after a motor vehicle accident with property damage only)—50 points
  • Possession of an open alcohol container—25 points
  • Disregard traffic lights, traffic signs, traffic laws, and traffic rules—20 points
  • Failing to stay in the proper lane—20 points
  • Excess speed of 15-25 miles per hour over limit—20 points
  • Speeding 11-14 miles per hour over limit—15 points, and
  • Speeding 1-10 miles per hour over limit—5 points.

For a driver under the age of 21, your driver’s license may be suspended for 1 month, even if you have as low as 10 points on your driver record, even without previous suspensions. When you have two previous license suspensions, 10 points on your driver’s license can result in a 12-month suspension period.

Illinois Drivers License Points

Further, if you’re over the age of 21 and receive three traffic convictions for traffic violations within any twelve-month period, your driver’s license may be suspended. The time your driving privileges are suspended will depend on the number of points you have received. From 15 to 44 points you’ll be subject to a two-month suspension. From 45 to 74 points, you’ll be subject to a three-month suspension. For 75 to 89 points you’ll face a six-month suspension. 90 to 99 points will result in a nine-month suspension and if you accumulate over 100 points, you’ll receive a twelve-month license suspension.

Often, the Illinois traffic offense point system and its consequences are complicated. Thus, if your driver’s license has been suspended or revoked, it’s essential to contact an experienced Chicago traffic attorney. At Chicago Traffic Lawyers, our skilled license reinstatement lawyers will review your record and help you fight your traffic charges. Our legal team can help you with the complete removal of your license suspension or revocation. Also, we can help you apply for a restricted driving permit and we’ll explain your legal options. We have helped thousands of traffic offenders in Cook County, Lake County, Kane County, DuPage County, Kendall County, and throughout Illinois beat their traffic charges and we can help you too.

How Long Do Points Stay On Your License in Illinois?

Besides license suspension, traffic tickets and other moving violations can cause heavy fines, costly court costs, insurance rate hikes, traffic school, and other criminal penalties. Also, it’s essential to note that simply paying your traffic ticket will lead to the entry of a conviction on your driving record. Typically, traffic violation convictions will stay on your Illinois driver record for at least five years. If you consistently keep a clean driving record, the Illinois Secretary of State will remove older convictions after that period of time has passed. It’s imperative to note that a court supervision sentence if completed successfully, can prevent the accumulation of points or entry of a traffic conviction on your driver’s record.

If your Illinois driver’s license is suspended or revoked, the Illinois Secretary of State will mail you the notice of revocation or notice of suspension to the address listed on your license. The notice shows the traffic offense causing the license suspension or revocation and the effective date of the legal action taken by the Secretary of State. Notices of driver’s license suspension also include an end date. Notices of license revocation are for a minimum time period of one year and won’t end until you complete the court hearing process via the Secretary of State.

Contact Our Cook County Lawyers Today For Help With Your Traffic Points!

Apart from a driver’s license suspension or revocation, another serious consequence of a traffic conviction that accrues points to your driver record is that your auto insurance rates increase every time you receive a point. The insurance providers believe that the more driver’s license points you have, the more likely you’re to be involved in a car accident and so they cover their risk by increasing your insurance rates.

At Chicago Traffic Lawyers, we’ll negotiate a reduction in charges for any traffic offense which would add points to your driver record upon conviction. Our Chicago traffic defense attorneys will petition the court to place you under court supervision, which will cause the dismissal of your traffic ticket. Further, our criminal defense team will employ other defenses on your behalf to prevent you from suffering the severe consequences of a driver’s license suspension. To schedule a no-cost initial consultation, contact our criminal defense law firm today at (708) 465-1040, or chat with us online to learn how we can help.

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