How Long Will a Speeding Ticket Stay on my Driving Record?

The violation of traffic rules is not something that should be considered casually. The amount of fatalities due to road accidents, which occur when people do not follow the rules, is vast. It is, therefore, crucial that people follow these regulations.

However, sometimes, you may be in a hurry and without realizing it, you may cross the speeding limit. The point system that most states follow, including Illinois is not great for the defendant when it comes to speeding tickets.

Additionally, you might also be worried about your speeding ticket record. To answer any questions that you may have regarding moving violations, such as speeding, we have gathered all the information you should be aware of before hitting the road.

Table of Contents

How Long Will the Ticket Stay on my Record in Illinois?

The policies regarding the total years for which a traffic violation will remain on your record differ for each state. When it comes to the speeding ticket record for Illinois, the ticket will remain a part of your record for a minimum of 4-5 years. However, this is not always the case.

If you end up getting a license suspension or worse your license gets revoked because of the points, it will be a part of your record for seven years. The guidelines concerning traffic violations are strict in Illinois, and so the consequences are severe. Hence, you should be very careful and plan your schedule accordingly so that you don’t have to resort to speeding when running late.

Driving Privileges

Driving privileges such as being granted permission to drive on the highway may be revoked for a shorter period in comparison to the ticket staying on your record. However, the rules are different for each state and depending on where you live, the outcome will be different.

Insurance Rates Every Year

Another primary concern of drivers who accidentally cross the speeding limit and are caught because of it is the car insurance rate and how that will get affected. Sadly, getting a ticket for speeding is one of the moving violations, and insurance companies do consider it. Your insurance provider or the person who will review your policy may check your records for past three or even four years. The determining factors that will determine how much the rate can be increased or how less will you get the insurance amount if you are applying now only include

  • The number of tickets present on your record.
  • The total points that you have received for these violations.
  • Whether there are any other traffic charges pressed against you or not.

While these factors can affect your plan, it is also integral to know that not all tickets will result in such outcomes. For example, a parking ticket will not affect your payment plan at all. The insurance company is concerned about your driving and how much can you be at risk for yourself and others when on the road. After all, it is they who will have to pay the price if something happens!

speeding ticket

State Records Laws for Different States

While we have already told you that a speeding ticket could last for 4-5 years on your driving record, it is significant to understand that the timeline mentioned for speeding is not the same for other offences. For example, if you are caught for a DUI (driving under the influence) case, and charges are pressed against you, it will stay on your record for life under the state of Illinois.

Again, these rules are subject to change concerning the country. For example, in New York, a DUI case will stay on your record for ten years, whereas, in Florida, it will last for 70 years.

Point System for Speeding in Illinois

The point system followed in Illinois has set points for all kinds of road violations. If you are charged for speeding ticket, you can get points anywhere from 5 to 50 depending on the speed above limit. If the speeding is between 1-10MPH above the limit, you will receive 5 points for that. This gradually increases with an increase in speed.

The last limitation is to drive 25+ MPH above the speeding limit, which will give you 50 points on a single ticket. Apart from that, if you are caught for speeding in a school or construction area, you will get 20 points straight for that.

License Suspension

While the state of Illinois follows point system, the suspension of a license depends on the number of tickets you have received in a specific period. Hence, if you get three tickets in 12 months, your license can get suspended or even revoked. The amount of suspension will then depend on the total points you have received for those three tickets.

Similarly, if you are under the age of 21, the charges will be pressed if you get two tickets in 24 months. So, it would be best if you were extra careful because the chances of you getting a ticket are higher.

The suspension starts from 2 months and exceeds to 12 months depending on your points. For people who are 21 and above, your license can get revoked if you have 110+ points for those three tickets. For people under the age of 21, it will get revoked at 80+ points.

Why Consult a Lawyer?

The above statistics indicate just how severe the punishments can be when it comes to speeding in Illinois. If you are still confused about what to do when you get a speeding ticket, you should consult with a traffic defense attorney in Chicago as soon as you get it. Even if the points you have received is low, you do not want them to add up by your third ticket and get your license suspended.

Additionally, even a single ticket will stay on your record for 4-5 years, which is not something that you want on your driving record. An attorney can negotiate or even challenge the ticket in ways you may not be able to pursue. To find out more, contact our experienced attorneys at Chicago Traffic Lawyers and discuss your case with us to find a better solution.

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